Sound Limiters

StageGear Ltd’s technical team have been specialists in the Sound and Noise control field since 2003, and are pleased to offer you advice on the appropriate type of sound or noise limiter and even noise activated signs for your venue and situation. StageGear Ltd. also supplies industrial noise warning products to assist companies and employers in complying with the health and safety at work regulations. 

Automatic Volume Control devices – DJ’s & pre recorded Music solutions

Line Level Automatic Volume Controllers where the audio signal is kept under the preset decibel limit and WILL NOT cut the audio signal out completely. These can be used on DJ & Background Music systems where no live Music is played. 

Mains Switching Control devices – Live Music Solutions

Mains Switching Control MUST be used where Live Music & Percussion is performed and can not be controlled other than using the deterrent that the power supply to the Back Line Amplifiers is removed when over limit occurs for a preset time. 

Typical Venues for Limiters are Community Spaces, Clubs, Pubs, Places of Worship, Restaurants, Schools and Colleges.